Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Monsoons Here!!

For those who hate Summers, especially in Bombay and for those quite like my collegues, who after 31 years realise, "hey India is a hot country", relief is on its way. After months of heat and humidity and perspiration.....monsoons are arriving, fortunately earlier than expected. Not sure if after 26/7, it is as welcomed. But its here again and I experienced the trailor, a special premier, of what it would be like in the coming days. Yes it did rain, clouds did growl if not roar, lightening did escape from the clouds as if saying "hey I am here". For those who love the monsoons, its not good to go into the first shower, as the first rain brings down with it all the pollution in the air (so I have heard).....but its still the first rain.....and I did take a walk.....I did get wet......me and my Classic.
Happy Monsoons!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Blogging Baby

Oh yes!!!! at last I am on it..... I am Blogging Baby!!
A few weeks ago, I suddenly had this bout to start blogging and I stumbled upon blogger.com. Guess what, all you need to start is a gmail account. So it seems easy doesnt it. You just log in with your gmail username and password and you are on. Well you see its not that simple. In order to start you need to give a name to your blog...which is no problemo. However the twist comes in giving a URL for your blog space i.e. the address people would type to get to your blog. As you need only the gmail account (which half of the universe seems to have), the said equal number of people are also on blogger.com. Thus u undergo excruciating pain coming up with a URL name. Its worse than naming kids. Atleast u can have two kids with the same name....but there cant be two URLs with the same name. I swear, it was a nightmare coming up with this URL bit, to the extent that I wasted two well deserved weekends (which are like birthdays as they seem to come only after a year) trying to come up with a name. Trust me its sooooo frustrating, so much so that I was driven to the brink of insanity. Typing a thousand names that come to your mind only to have "URL NOT AVAILABLE" slammed into your face. That is when I realised I need to save myself......need to avert insanity, and eureka!! I had it, there it was, right in front of me, I had found it...... and hence the address "defyinginsanity.blogsport.com."