Monday, December 1, 2008

The Dominoes Effect:- Loss of Duty, Loss of Sense.....Loss of Maturity

Our Politicians, Our Representatives are just AMAZING. They constantly outdo themselves.

The concept of "dominoes effect" is quite well known and on has previously been associated Cricket Team. However I believe they have are also capable of being associated with the dominoes. Permit me to explain.

Loss of Duty:- Apparently our Government was quite aware of the impending attacks.
1) The US Government on two occasions warned us about a potential sea attack and on one such occasion also mentioned that Taj could be one of the targets.
2) In early November, the Indian intelligence intercepted a call which conveyed to us that dangerous cargo had left Karachi with an intention to sneak into Indian waters.
3) One LET militant caught in early February stated that luxary hotels including Oberoi were potential targets.
4) The Comptroller General even stated that around 25-30 Crores were given to each state on west coast to patrol the waters but Maharashtra failed to do that. Further, more than half of the vessels assigned for this task were either not functioning or were not traceable. (I wonder where was the said amount put to use).

This is where the Dominoes start to fall. Loss of Duty by no heeding to intelligence coupled with failure to provide efficient forces at the state level, failure to equip our forces with adequate gear and ammunition.... all this led to the horrific 60 hour long disaster.

Loss of Senses:- Once our leaders failed in their duty and the debacle happened - blame game starts. Such callous acts on their part reflect nothing but gradual loss of their senses....mostly common sense.
1) Subsequent inquiry revealed that there was no airplane, in the first place, to fly the NSG to Mumbai and that they were actually debating which airplane to provide. Ultimately instead of getting a proper jet, which might have been quite fast, one of the old airplanes from Chandigarh was flown in. Not to mention this whole ordeal gave the perpetrators 10 hours to do their thing.
2) Though not a big deal, Mr. Deshmukh is seen moving around with film directors and his actor son.
3) But the GEM, the ICING ON THE CAKE, comes from noone else but State Home Minster R.R.Patil. And I quote " bade shahron mein aise ek adh hadse hote rahte hain. Woh 5,000 logon ko marne aye the lekin humne kitna kum nuksan hone diya" .
4) The FBI team flown in by the US Government (on a special airplane ofcourse) was actually DETAINED at the airport for not providing the list of items they brought with them. I mean come on, whats wrong with you?


Loss of Maturity:-
I do not know how this functions but as they loose their senses, maturity also withers away.
1) When asked to resign, R.R.Patil says, noone resigned when Akshardham, Bangalore or Delhi happened. Very Very Mature. Lives are at stake here, scores are dead and injured, top police officials have been killed and this is your best explanation for not resigning?
2) The CHERRY ON TOP is on resigning the man has the odacity to say that he did out of moral obligation. But turns out it took a phone call from Sharad Pawar, telling him to Get Out.
3) A very recent SIXER comes all the way from Kerela. Where the Chief Minister. The head of the state (as Governors are just defunct positions), on not being let into a martyr's house said "if it had not been (Major) Sandeep's house, not even a dog would have glanced that way". Is this how we appriciate a person who has laid down his life for us.
4) LASTLY, how can we forget the Shiv Sena. Mr. Thackeray has to have a word. He wants President's Rule in Maharashtra. Turns out, the grapes are sour in politics as well. Just because you cant govern the state does not mean noone else can. Where were your and Raj Thackery's men during this episode. Instead of breaking and burning property in your own state, you should have sent your men to fight the terrorist.
And thanks to Congress, an able President as Kalam was replaced with Prathibha Patil, who is harldy active and moreover has not said a word or shown her face since the attacks. What will the President's Rule change in the state?
I guess maturity was also too much to ask from your leaders.

Hence the dominoes theory. Loss of Duty.....Blame Game....Loss of Basic Senses....Loss of maturity.

But it is us who in
fact is to be blamed for this mess.

It is we the people
who made the first domino electing such people in the first place.

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  1. Mr. Anuj, your article has raised many eyebrows and drawn the attention towards many things which probably every Indian in the world knows by now and some responsible Indians like you know since past couple of years that the people whom we have elected are worthless, immature etc etc etc. And I doubt if anybody would disagree with even a single word of what you have written in this beautiful format with even more beautiful pictures.

    But as I read the post, I was expecting that somewhere down the line I can find some measures or suggestions or action items which can help in improving this situation.

    The primary focus of your article seems to be to make people realise what a big mistake they have made by electing these people as leaders but I think every individual has realised this fact as is evident from the number of blogs and articles being written on this topic and citing the same facts again and again .. I mean come on !! Everybody says we are bad, our leaders are stupid but has anybody said that here, we have done enough of blaming, talking, screwing up people now let us think about how to stop this from happening further. Has any citizen suggested any idea as to what can be done to make these hotels more secure places to be, how to improve the security measures in the country as a whole. Its not that India is the only one facing terror attacks but yes, India is the only one who is affected the most by it and the reasons for that are already cited by you in much detail for me to reiterate. But has any citizen felt the need to study the previous cases of such terror and see what other nations did to avoid it. Has anybody even thought of taking a look into what Mossad - Israel's secret agency does to protect its country and how efficiently it works !
    Now you must be wondering why didn't I suggest any measures while replying to your post and why the hell am I preaching what I am not practicing. Well, I frankly don't have an answer to that but what I know is I have at least thought of it and I want that if I can motivate or provoke an intellectually better individual than me to think about the same may be things can be much better. You have the medium, your blog, where even if you can show one such terror incident which has happened in the past and how people have dealt with it and taught a lesson to these bastards (mind me for the language), trust me there will be 5 other people who will stop blaming and start thinking...
    I could have also written my own blog but by replying to your post, i know for sure that at least you will think about it, if not because I said but to prove me wrong or give me counter examples but at least you will think and read what I have to say.
    It is possible that I might not even reply again but my job is done. I know for sure that 1 person is going to read this and he will act, either for positive reasons or negative, but he will.

    Mr. Anuj, I don't disagree with even a single word you have to say in your article, its just that I want you to think about improving this situation by suggesting the measures or at least the right direction of thinking, rather than worsening it by highlighting the inefficiencies (which is already being done on all the news channels/websites/papers 25 out of 24 hrs a day !).

    In pursuit of a better India.
    A Responsible Citizen.

  2. The Fact is that people have no choice to elect....!! there is hardly n e gud leaders or young enthusiastic and dynamic students who are interested in active politics, they all know how to sit at home and keep complaining about our politicians and the depleted system and yet we learn no lesson and live in the chaos and invite more arduous situations to creep into our already misery filled lives. To add to this any attempt made by a honest citizen to revolt is immediately squashed by the politicians backed Rowdies, and the money spent in election is insane for an ordinary man to contest in elections as the concept of raising money does not exist, instead for asking the people they found a easier way to take it from the treasury which is paid bye the citizen as tax. What a shame !!! The situation is critical and what i would like to call this is A POINT OF NO RETURN !!

  3. Dear Mr.Anonymous. I am glad that you enjoyed the the post. And I quite agree with whatever you have stated. I would shortly be giving my inputs on the concerns that you have raised.
    However by this post I did not intend to state the obvious that is the failure of our politicians but to reflect how, when such failures do happen, the attitude of our leaders and they way their intellect has continuously degraded, the level of stupidity each of them have achieved and associated themselves with.
    As far as suggesting measures do avoid such incidents is concerned, though I would be posting my inputs, I feel there are no measures or steps that can be taken to improve or save or atleast maintain the intellect, maturity and level of saneness of our leaders.

  4. Disclaimer: Pardon my typos,grammr and lingo
    ..I see your blog talks in great detail about Mumbai attacks...I do not understand one thing though..I do not see a blog for the terror attacks on rest of India....We lost so many lives in 2008 why were we acting dumb then....every time such things happen everyone across the world condemns those mis-happs, and that is pretty much the end of story..Just because the terrorists attacked Mumbai all of India is on the edge...or more so because they had foreign nationals as hostages...Imagine the plight of people in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq has become a neverending tragedy for them...
    the situation is grave in Mumbai no doubt....but it is equally grave when even a single soul is lost anywhere across the world because of terror attacks....
    have we forgotten the value of life? We should not, coz everytime we forget the value of life lost in kashmir or on borders or anywhere else, they will make u remember it by targeting a place you know about or close to you....well I jsut hope that India takes some strong action against people who are responsible for all the attacks done so far on Indian soil...
    resignations,president rule,change of resposibilties are all kidish things to do...its the time to step up and make decisions ...
    Its high time world community should act as a united force, and do some cleaning...
    Keep blogging.....;)

  5. Dear Anshu,
    Exact reflection of my thoughts. Two days after the Mumbai attacks, a blast took place in a train in Assam. Two people died and around 15 were injured. And I was wondering why was this shown only in the news reel at the bottom of the screen.
    I agree with you in totality. It does not matter where the attacks take place. Ultimately human lives are at stake. The recent attacks have made it quite clear that such entities could reach and unleash their mayhem anywhere. As far as condemning the incident is concerned, everyone does that but I do not think the world community would ever be actively united as each have their own agenda and ulterior motives.
    In my defense, I started blogging once again after the Mumbai attacks, hence the focus on them.
