Thursday, December 4, 2008

Unity......(in Diversity????)

We all have heard the phrase....Unity in Diversity. And we take immense pride in it. But at times I wonder if we are really united. We are one Country, but that is only Geographically.

With a country having 28 states and 7 union territories, different cultures, different languages and dialects, different religions, castes, sub-castes, it is difficult to be truly united. Cultures, ideology, way of thinking, temperaments are bound to clash. It is difficult to not have internal problems. And therefore at times I believe these differences, on some level, pull us down and comes in our way of progress. It makes it a difficult job for anyone in the governing position to keep all sides happy.

And worse is that these are the differences which are exploited by our leaders for gaining political mileage. It is absolutely okay for people to have political differences, but in a country like us, with the leaders that we have, differences that start out as being just political, run deep down to divide us.

However recently in a rally in Mumbai, the scenerio was quite different. Look closely at the picture below (click to enlarge).

This is the first time ever, that I have seen, people coming out and voicing their opinions so vehemently. The unique part of this rally is that, people portrayed their agitation against leaders of almost every major political party and not just against one.

We might not be united in any other way, but this is the kind of unity which, if continued, would take us a long way.

This is the start, and also about time, that we send a message to our politicians, that we are in charge, that we are checking, that you are on the chair because it is WE who have empowered you with one.

No longer can we be consumed with our petty differences. No longer can can every individual be concerned with things that matter or is of significance only to him. It is time that we take a panoramic view, it is time that we look into each and every aspect that concerns us as a nation.

We need to voice are opinion and not against one party or not because the we believe in the political philosophy of one particular party and not the other. We need to voice it against any party in power, any leader which we have put there to make the decisions for us. Further this voice has to be critical, one that makes them accountable for their actions, and not one which is merely voiced to ridicule or pull a party down.

Whether for terrorism, or just roads, working of the government offices or water and electricity is time to tell them ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Hopefully the unity that we have achieved in the wake of the attacks, does not, as the time passes, go into slumber.

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1 comment:

  1. dear anuj, you seemed to be very closely watching the scenario.i hope this unity in diversity does bring the required change in our country which is much needed.but as u know as time will pass by people tend to forget the gravity which is felt now. the fire in their attitude which is now,will not last long,and this our politicians know very just wait and watch.
